TITAN stands for innovative, high-quality suitcases and luggage "Made in Germany" . With stylish design, durable materials and smart functionality, TITAN offers the perfect companion for every trip.

TITANIUMstands forQuality, durability and innovative designs. With high-quality materials and a variety of models,TITANIUMTravel suitcases that canfunctionalas well asstylishThe suitcases are characterized by theirease,robustnessandmodern designand are therefore the ideal companion for frequent travelers.
Whether forbusiness tripsor the nextVacation,TITANIUMimpresses with well thought-out features such as secure closures, practical interiors and stylish surfaces. Convince yourself of the series nowLITRONas well as LITRON FRAME.
TITAN stands for innovative, high-quality suitcases and luggage "Made in Germany" . With stylish design, durable materials and smart functionality, TITAN offers the perfect companion for every trip.