Four special features: Individual design options , ergonomic fit , best visibility and sustainable production . All this and much more - is combined in the school bags or bags from ergobag, one of the most popular school bag manufacturers ever.

AllergobagProducts arehigh quality,functionaland top designed so that children's eyes not only light up, but you as a parent can always enjoy a good and safe feeling.
The manufacturerergobagofferssatchelin the set,sports bag,notebook box,Kletties, andpencil case to thesatchelare outrobust,sustainable materialsmanufactured and offerenough spacefor books, notebooks and other school supplies.
Four special features: Individual design options , ergonomic fit , best visibility and sustainable production . All this and much more - is combined in the school bags or bags from ergobag, one of the most popular school bag manufacturers ever.