The satchels of Step by Step are high -quality school attendants for your child. sustainability, ergonomics and Security are particularly important in production. With these criteria, the brand fulfills at satchel and Accesories Everything you want.

Child-friendly design meets optimal fit: This is whatStep by Stepin the development of all school bags and is one of the most popular manufacturers ofsatchelandschool supplies, as well aslunch boxes,drinking bottles,breast pouch,sports bags,umbrellas,school conesor theMagic Magsto individually design your own school bag.
All models are:Sustainably thought out,excellent ergonomics,securein the
road traffic, withdetailed designand
fromfirst-class quality.
The satchels of Step by Step are high -quality school attendants for your child. sustainability, ergonomics and Security are particularly important in production. With these criteria, the brand fulfills at satchel and Accesories Everything you want.