Discover the exclusive Products from Stokke! With Backpacks, Suitcase and Travel beds united Stokke outstanding design and the highest Functionality. Ideal for demanding travelers who Style, comfort and Quality set.
WithStokkewill be everyTripto a relaxedadventure! Discover the innovative collection ofJetKids™ by Stokke®– ideal for thefamily vacation. With theBedBox™creates acomfortable bed, which even the longestflightsforChildrenmakes it child's play. TheCrew BackPack™ensures that yourChildrenonexcursionsor inkindergartenare well equipped – with sufficientstorage spaceand thoughtfuldetailsHowadjustable strapsandwater-repellent material.
In addition,CloudSleeper™ travel bedthat ensures a restful sleep on the go.StokkecombinedScandinavian designwithcomfortandfunctionality– perfect forfamilieswith high standards. Make yournext tripunforgettable by connecting withStokkeequip!
Discover the exclusive Products from Stokke! With Backpacks, Suitcase and Travel beds united Stokke outstanding design and the highest Functionality. Ideal for demanding travelers who Style, comfort and Quality set.