Handcrafted leather bags that last a lifetime and carry your memories: These are Harolds bags, backpacks, and leather goods - for 80 years.

WithHarold'syou will receiveshoulder bagsandbriefcases,which through theirhigh quality and timeless designWhether for everyday use, travel or the office – the products fromHarold'salways offer you functional solutions and stylish companions. The company attaches particular importance to the selectionfirst-class materialsand oneexcellent workmanship, so you can focus ondurability and robustnessyou can rely on.
From elegantshoulder bagsto practicalbackpacks–Harold'scombines traditional craftsmanship with a modern look and thus ensures the perfect mix ofcomfort and style.
Handcrafted leather bags that last a lifetime and carry your memories: These are Harolds bags, backpacks, and leather goods - for 80 years.