Knirps is the classic among umbrellas. Especially as a compact umbrella, it has been very popular for many decades, with umbrellas from the traditional company convincing through their stability and durability.

Withtotyou are well prepared for any weather! The brand stands forhigh-qualityumbrellas, which are both in terms offunctionalityand design. Whethercompactfor your pocket or large area for maximum protection –totoffers you the perfect solution to stay dry. Thanks toinnovative technologyandrobust materialare the umbrellas oftotparticularlydurable and resilient.
You can rely on theirstabilityleave, even withstormy weather. Choose from a variety ofdesigns and colorsthat yourindividual styleunderline –totprotects you from the rain in style!
Knirps is the classic among umbrellas. Especially as a compact umbrella, it has been very popular for many decades, with umbrellas from the traditional company convincing through their stability and durability.